Tag: Minoru Suzuki
Minoru Suzuki vs. Samoa Joe Was a Dream Match Stuck In the Real World
Minoru Suzuki and Samoa Joe wrestled for the Ring of Honor Television Championship in the main event of Dynamite last week. It was fine. When I say “it was fine,” I don’t mean it dismissively. Both Joe and Suzuki are presence guys at this point, and that meant that the high points of the match…
Dominic Garrini and Minoru Suzuki Made Me Love Indie Wrestling Again
I did not go to Fargo to have my love of independent professional wrestling rekindled. All I wanted was to see Minoru Suzuki, the bonus being that he was wrestling Dominic Garrini, a wrestler I knew and felt very attached to despite our paths never crossing. But how do you deny Timebomb Pro’s fans, an…
For Dominic Garrini, Minoru Suzuki Is More Than a Dream Opponent
I’m going to begin this interview with Dominic Garrini as if this was a personal essay, because in some ways it is. The two of us come from the same territory, so to speak, Cleveland’s Absolute Intense Wrestling, and while I consider myself a critic capable of expressing displeasure in a match or promo or…
The Greatest Wrestler of All Time (The First 10)
This is not a list. I cannot stress that enough. I love lists, I like how they reveal the biases and blind spots of the communities that put them together, but this is not a list. Rather, it is a gathering together of wrestlers who I have (or would) called The Greatest Wrestler of All…
Screaming KAZE NI NARE at the Top of My Lungs: A Review
I never thought I’d get to see Minoru Suzuki live. This is what happens when your favorite wrestlers are older and not from around here. You accept it, you appreciate them from afar, and you wonder how cool it would have been to actually watch them perform. Well, I’ve seen Minoru Suzuki live now, and…
Minoru Suzuki, King of Wrestling Fashion
I’m the kind of freak who leaves the phone notifications on in my social media apps. There’s a guy on Instagram who sometimes sells Crush Gals records from Japan. There’s a Facebook group full of men who suddenly decide that a 1985 Hulk Hogan trading card that I’ve had in a desk drawer for awhile…