Tag: Mick Foley
The Greatest Wrestler of All Time (The Fourth Ten)
Yes, it has been awhile since I’ve written about the Greatest Wrestler of All Time, but it’s not for lack of Greatest Wrestler of All Times-es. If you remember, this project started because a friend of mine who doesn’t care about wrestling called me to the floor for naming at least a dozen wrestlers the…
Tony Schiavone Receives a Telegram (1997 Week 4)
Two weeks ago, I wrote a little about “meaningless wrestling,” specifically how to pry something from a match whose worth to the larger context of professional wrestling’s rich history is the labor performed by the men and women who won it. This week, the thing I am most excited about is Tony Schiavone reading a…
Struggle and Redemption: On Eddie Guerrero’s 2004 WWE Championship Victory
This week marked the 17th anniversary of Eddie Guerrero’s WWE Championship victory over Brock Lesnar at No Way Out 2004, and yes, I am in my feelings about Latino Heat again. More professional wrestling In 1997, Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr. Wrestled a Perfect Match The Royal Rumble Is Wrestling’s Greatest Gimmick Match The…
Sara Del Rey: The Wrestling Queen
Any time I tell somebody or some other person tells somebody that I ran a movie blog, inevitably the person gets around to asking a question that I assume everybody in my particular line of nerdery dreads. The same goes for small talk with new people in sports, literature, music…on and on and on, all…