Here’s what I know about MMA in the United States:
- Georges St-Pierre rules.
- It was kind of funny when people branded Ronda Rousey’s success as some kind of feminist achievement.
- Dana White sucks.
- Joe Rogan sucks.
- Dan Severn and Don Frye.
- Ken Shamrock.
- UFC 1 and UFC 2. The original UFC logo. That whole aesthetic.
- “Human cockfighting.”
I am not qualified to review Dan Lambert the man, the owner of American Top Team, the gym that claims UFC Women’s Bantamweight and Flyweight Champion Amanda Nunes as one of its own. Thankfully, the Dan Lambert I am speaking of here is not a man, but a wrestling character, apparently the new manager of the still newish tag team of Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page.
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Since showing up and getting Black Hole Slammed by Lance Archer, Lambert’s routine has been to show up on Dynamite, call AEW a terrible product, criticize concepts like “flips” and “people who aren’t just big piles of quivering muscle,” and wonder why wrestling isn’t the way it was back in the 1970s, when he fell in love with the sport.
There are people who like this, but I’m not one of them. I know that Lambert is legitimately a huge fan of wrestling, and it’s pretty cool that his interest in promotions like Pancrase led him to MMA, but I have a tin ear for what he’s doing, which seems pitched to annoy people my age based on the wrestlers they like and things like cancel culture. There are already several wrestling podcasts that do this, to say nothing of the seven hours of television WWE puts out every week, so why we need an extra 2-7 minutes of it a week, even in an easily digestible “boo the heel” format, is beyond me.